ICON A5 MM : Propulsion : Engine : Troubleshooting : Extract ECU Data
Extract ECU Data
Use the following procedure to extract ECU Data using the Rotax BRP Utility and Diagnostic Software (B.U.D.S.) version 3.0.1.
Applicable Aircraft Serial Numbers
Type of Maintenance
Level of Certification
Task Specific Training Required
Special Tools Required
B.U.D.S. Diagnostics Dongle
Parts Required
Aircraft System and Number
Safety Equipment
As Needed
When starting B.U.D.S. Aircraft the first time, enter the serial number and the activation key and select “OK”. The serial number, which is printed on the B.U.D.S. Aircraft Set, must be entered numeric without any dots, special characters or letters (e.g. “1234567”). The activation key is a 16-digit code containing letters and digits. Only use capital characters. It does not matter if the special character “-”, which is separating the key into four blocks is entered or not. The activation is uniquely assigned to one B.U.D.S. Aircraft Set serial number and can be found on the lid of the B.U.D.S. Aircraft Set packaging, which should not be discarded for this reason.
It is recommended to connect a battery charger to the A5 battery charging studs while extracting ECU data. (Charge Battery)
Task Instructions
2. Plug USB extension cord into the maintenance port on the relay panel (to the upper left looking AFT).
3. Plug the dongle into your computer USB port and open B.U.D.S. 3.0.1.
4. Verify landing gear switch is down and flaps switch is at 0°.
5. Turn ignition key to “Both”.
6. Turn on Master Power.
7. In B.U.D.S., wait for both lane indicators to turn green (in top left corner).
8. Select “Logs”.
9. Select “Extract Logs”.
10. A prompt will appear that says, “Extracting logs requires Maintenance Mode-Switch ECU off and wait”.
11. Turn off Master Power.
12. Turn ignition key to off, remove key, and wait until everything shuts down.
13. When note says, “Switch ECU on and wait”, reinsert key into ignition.
14. Turn ignition key to “Both”.
15. Turn master power on.
16. Wait for extractions options window to appear.
17. Verify both “Lane A and Lane B” and “Faults and Data” are selected.
18. Choose where you want files to be saved.
19. Select OK.
20. The data will now be extracted and may take up to 20 minutes.
21. Data extraction is complete when the window says, “Extracting log-Power cycle ECU now”. You will also now see populated data in main B.U.D.S. window.
22. Turn off Master Power, remove aircraft key, and disconnect B.U.D.S. dongle from computer.
Verification Method
Task is complete when the ECU data is properly extracted.