Wing Fold Procedure
Instructions to fold the wings.
Applicable Aircraft Serial Numbers
Type of Maintenance
Level of Certification
Task Specific Training Required
Special Tools Required
Parts Required
Aircraft System and Number
15—Wing Fold Mechanism
Safety Equipment
As Needed
The manual wing fold system allows the wings to be rotated and folded back along the fuselage, reducing the A5 width from approximately 35 feet to 8 feet for trailering, storage, and maintenance. The wing fold mechanism was designed to be simple, allowing one person to complete the task in a few minutes with no tools required using the following simple procedures.
The handles built into the wing tips are to be used for wing folding only. They must not be used for ground handling purposes or pushing/pulling the entire aircraft.
Task Instructions
1. Set the parking brake or chock the wheels of the aircraft.
2. Flaps should be fully retracted prior to wing fold.
3. Press the small detent clip to release the red wing lock handle and pull down to the stop (90 degrees from stowed/locked position).
4. At wing tip, place one hand on the wing fold handle and the other on the tip trailing edge. Using a smooth, fluid motion, step away from the aircraft center line pulling the wing away from of the fuselage until the stop is reached, approximately 21 inches.
Pulling the wing away from the fuselage will require lifting the wing tip and slight vertical motion in order to take the weight off wing spar mating surface.
5. As wing moves outward, be careful not to drop the wing as structural damage will occur.
6. Rotate wing leading edge up 90 degrees to the vertical position.
Due to camber of upper wing surface, bottom of wing will appear to be vertical while top of wing will appear to be past vertical.
7. Walk the wing aft to the horizontal tail while being careful to keep the wing lower surface aligned vertically in order to prevent contact with the Seawings™ platform.
8. Approaching the horizontal tail, stop with the wing leading edge directly below the tail pin.
9. Slide wing approximately 21 inches to the stop being careful to keep the wing vertical to maintain clearance from the Seawings™ platform.
10. Lift the wing tip to connect socket with tail pin, being certain to align leading edge socket with tail pin.
There will be a recognizable and positive sound and feel when the socket is seated with the tail pin.
11. See wing fold/extend additional information. (Wing Fold/Extend Additional Information)
Verification Method
Verify security of the wing on the horizontal tail latches.