Check Wing Connections
Use the following procedure to check the wing connections for leaks.
Applicable Aircraft Serial Numbers
Type of Maintenance
Level of Certification
Task Specific Training Required
Special Tools Required
Preston PS-525 Pitot-Static Test Set (or equivalent)
Parts Required
Aircraft System and Number
10—Instruments (and Avionics)
Safety Equipment
As Needed
Task Instructions
1. Locate the left wing hinge. (Remove Left Wing Steps one to three.)
Figure 283. Wing End AOA Tube Connection
2. Remove the retaining pins.
3. Locate the AOA HIGH PRESSURE and AOA LOW PRESSURE tube, pull out to access the push-on tubes connectors.
4. Mark the tube and check connection at push-on tube connectors, blow air into wing lines to clear any moisture or sitting water in lines. Reconnect the tubes in their original order.
5. Perform a Pitot-Static-AOA System Leak Check to confirm no leaks at the MSC connections before proceeding. (Pitot-Static-AOA Leak Test Procedures)
6. Reinstall the wing. (Install Left Wing)
Verification Method
This task is complete when AOA system is fully functioning.