Install ADS-B GPS Receiver
Use this procedure to install the ADS-B GPS Receiver. Aircraft prior to ASN 00110 may not have the ADS-B Out system installed. The ADS-B Out system requires that TT22 Transponder software is V2.13 or greater and TC20 Control Head software is V1.14 or greater. This task is applicable to the Garmin 796 configuration only.
Applicable Aircraft Serial Numbers
00110+ (Varies prior to ASN 00110)
Type of Maintenance
Level of Certification
Task Specific Training Required
Special Tools Required
Parts Required
Aircraft System and Number
10—Instruments (and Avionics)
Safety Equipment
As Needed
Task Instructions
1. Position the GPS RECEIVER onto the studs on the LH Fuselage Skin. Figure 281
Figure 281. ADS-GPS Receiver Installation (Actual Number of Studs Used May Differ)
The number of studs may vary from 2 to 4.
2. Secure the GPS RECEIVER with the lock nuts and washers previously removed. Hardware may be #6-32 or #8-32 size. Torque the #6 lock nuts to 8.0-9.5 in-lbs and #8 lock nuts to 11.3-13.3 in-lbs.
The mounting holes may be enlarged to a diameter of 3/16” (.1875”).
3. Connect the coax ADS-B GPS Antenna cable connector to the GPS RECEIVER.
4. Connect the D9119P to the GPS RECEIVER.
Verification Method
1. Take the aircraft outside and place in clear view of the sky.
2. Turn knob on control head to ATL mode. Wait for the display to change from ALT to GND. If not, there is something wrong with the squat switch or setting.
It may take up to 2 min for it to cycle to GND.
3. Press FN button twice on the TC20 until ADS-B POSN diagnostic screen is displayed. It will display the following for position fix.
4. After 2 min the GPS should have obtained a position fix. If no fix is determined and an error of “WARNING No ADSB Pos” shows up, call ICON for further support.