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Mike Sievert On Owning an A5 in Seattle

Mike Sievert became one of the first owners of the ICON A5 in late 2017. A resident of Seattle, Mike wanted an amphib that could safely allow him to explore the waters of the Northwest.

“The A5 is the perfect addition to my life in the Pacific Northwest,” said Sievert. “Getting to the San Juan Islands for a quick getaway has transformed from a chore into one of the highlights of the trip. The plane is so easy to use and ICON has gone above and beyond with the flight training, maintenance preparation, and the plane itself.”

In this episode of our ICON Adventures series, Mike and his wife Suzanne talk about taking delivery of their ICON A5 and their journey to A5 ownership.

Click the video above to watch his A5 story.

If you’re in the Seattle area and interested in learning more about ownership in the region, please contact our sales representative Noah here.

Paul is the Director of Marketing for ICON Aircraft. Before ICON, Paul was the Director of Video and Branded Content for Ranker, INC. and The Wrap. He was the host of Hulu's first original production, The Morning After, and co-developed Twitch.TV's first talk show, Game Talk Live. He is a private pilot based out of Pasadena, CA.